Online Resources -  Members Only

The SGNO makes available several digital resources that can help in French-Canadian genealogical research. These tools are accessible on this page for SGNO members only. You will find:

Genealogy Quebec & PRDH

The SGNO offers its members, in addition to the access already available to the Research Center at the Cité Francophone, 2 additional accesses to the Genealogy Quebec site accessible remotely as well as consultation vouchers to the PRDH-IGD remotely.  

To access Genealogy Quebec & PRDH-IGD click here :  Genealogy Quebec & PRDH-IGD  


Genealogical Research Folders

More than 275 folder containing the results of genealogical research are available in digital format. Each folders, containing one or several files, is dedicated to a specific search for a family / surname.

To view the database, click here:  Genalogical Research Folders  

Digitized Books

More than 770 links to digitized books are found in our database, and these books can be downloaded from your computer. For example, genealogical dictionaries, family history and genealogy books, community books, history and heritage books, directories, and other research tools. More links to digitized books will be added over the coming months and years.

To view the database, click here:  Digitized Books

Video recordings

Video recordings (both in French and in English) of various SGNO activities and events, such as webinars, can be downloaded and viewed from your computer. 

To access the recordings, click here:  Recordings

Obituaries & Memorial Cards

Our database contains over 13,000 death notices, over 750 memorial cards and 1.900 obituaries, both in french and english, with the vast majority of which are notices and cards of Albertans or people who have lived in Alberta. More obituaries and memorial cards will be added in the months and years to come.

To view the database, click here:  Obituaries & Memorial cards

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